
Vedah   – One who is the embodiment of scriptures.

Vedaroopatvaat Vedah
He is the embodiment of the Vedas.  Since Vedas originated from His breath, they are not different from Him says Adi Sankaracharya.

Vedayati Iti Vedah – He is called Vedah because He enlightens all with true knowledge. 

Teshaam evaanukampaartham Ahamajnaajam tamah,
Naashayaamyaatmabhaavastho Jnaanadeepena bhaasvataa (BG 10.11)

To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.

Veda is derived from ‘Vid’ which means ‘to know’.  Vedayati iti vedah means He is the One who explains everything or That which explains everything which is the Ultimate Truth i.e. Vedah. 

sarve vedā yatpadamāmananti tapāgͫsi sarvāṇi ca yadvadanti .
yadicchanto brahmacaryaṃ caranti tatte padagͫ saṃgraheṇa bravīmyomityetat  (Katha Upanishad 1.2.15)

Yama said: The goal which all the Vedas declare, which all austerities aim at and which men desire when they lead the life of continence, I will tell you briefly: it is Om.

Sarve vedaah Sarve vedhyah Sa sastrah Sarve Yajnah Sarva ijyaascha Krishnah
Vidhuh Krishnam Brahmanaa satvato ye Tesham Rajan Sarva Yajnah Ssamaasthah  (Mahabharatha)            

 All the Vedas, all the Vidyas, all the Shastras, all the Yajnas, and all offerings, are Krishna Himself. 

Let us chant the Holy Name of the one who is the embodiment of scriptures Himself and seek to be endowed with the ability to understand scriptures and their sayings, which is not different from Krishna Himself. Worldy education can help us in reading the scriptures no doubt, but to understand and realize them one needs the merciful intelligence gained by pur True Love and devotion towards Him, the Supreme Personality – Lord Sri Krishna.

Nama 129 – VishnuSahasranama

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