This is a combination of two words i.e. Krita and Akrita. Krita means the action that is completed namely the effect. Akrita means an incomplete action namely a cause not yet given effect to.
Adi Sankara explains the name as ‘Kritascha kaarya roopena Akritascha kaarana roopena iti Kritaakritah – He is both the cause and effect of all actions.’
The Lord appears in the everlasting form but at times He appears in a limited form too. This is for the benefit of His devotees.
We have heard about the Lord manifesting in several forms or avataras like the Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Mohini are the limited form avatars where the Lord manifested for a short period to just execute His plan to protect His devotees,
The lord appeared as Sri Ramachandra, Krishna to protect and establish Dharma, the righteous path and truthfulness, they stayed on in their manifested form for a longer period which is the everlasting form.
Lets chant the Holy name of the one who is the cause and effect of everything in this Universe. Every step we take and every move we make is already pre-decided by Him and yet we feel it’s all our decisions and our actions that have brought out the due results – especially if it’s a good one. We blame Him only when out efforts and actions do not yield the right fruits! Now we know who is behind our success or who has ensured our labour has reached its right fruition. Knowing this let us strive to move forward in our spiritual and material quest understanding that the Lord has a plan for each of us.
Nama 138 – VishnuSahasranama