
JagadAdijah – He who was born at the beginning of the Universe

‘Hiranyagarbha roopena Jagadaadou utpadyate svayam iti Jagadaaadijah – He appeared in the form of Hiranyagarbha (the golden primordial egg) at the beginning of the creation of the Universe’.

Jagat Adi Jatah can be understood as a reflection on the origin of the material universe.
Before the world was created, one who had the ability to create the world had to exist. Thus, according to Adi Shankaracharya, bhagavAn (the Supreme Personality) existed before the world came into being.

That Vishnu was the first-born is mentioned in the Mahabharata –

Gatishca nastvam purvajo jagatah prabhuh                                |
rakshArtham sarva-bhUtAnAm vishNustvam upajagmivaan || (MB Udyoga Parva 12.11)

You are our refuge; You are the first-born amongst the gods. You are the Lord of the Universe.  You did assume the role of MahaVishnu for the protection of all the worlds.”

‘Hiranyagarbhas Samavarta taagre Bhootasya Jatah Patireka Aaseet – Hiranyagarbha existed at the very beginning and He is the leader of all beings’ – Hiranyagarbha Sooktam.
Even before this Universe was created, the one who created this entire Universe existed. Thus Bhagavan/Supreme Personality of Godhead existed.

‘Aham sarvasya prabhavah Mattah sarvam pravartate
I am the source of all creation and everything moves because of me.’ (BG 10.8)

 ‘Aham Aadirhi Devaanaam Maharsheenaam Cha Sarvashah
 I am earlier to all Devas and all great Sages’. (BG 10.2)

Lets chant the Holy Name of the One who was born at the beginning of the Universe and provided us this wonderful Universe with all facilities for us to lead a comfortable life. Let us chant and thank Him for providing us everything, after all He is our father and has thought out everything.

Nama 147 – Vishnusahasranama

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