Praja means all beings. Pati means the leader. Prajapatih means the Leader of all beings. The Supreme Lord Krishna is the master of Garuda and other eternally liberated souls.
PrakarsheNa jAyante iti prajAh, teshAm patih prajApatih
The leader of those who have a glorious birth – the nitya-sUris- liberated souls, who are far superior to the baddha and mukhta, or the bound and freed souls.
Liberated souls such as the Goswamis of Vrindavan, the Alwars from Srivaishnavism are all far far much elevated beings, but still they all are protected and are under the control of the Supreme Lord, who is the chief of all – Krishna.
Lets chant the Holy Name of this Lord of all beings and seek to be in His devotional service always.
Nama 70 – VishnuSahasranama