
Atmavan: The real owner of souls

Atma means soul, Atmavan means He who keeps an eternal loving relationship with liberated souls.

The Supreme Lord Krishna is the real controller of the souls for He is known as Ishvarah Parama Krishna, as mentioned in the Brahma Samhita. The Lord is the Real owner of all Jivatmas or Souls. Our sincerity in devotion, trust and our surrender to Him leads us to Liberation. The Lord who is Kritajnah is ever greatful for every small act of sincere devotion rendered to Him. As the controller of all liberated souls, the Lord ensue we are always in His devotional service. He directs, protects and is all merciful to such souls who always render devotional service unto Him.

Sri Adi Sankara says ‘Sva Mahima Pratishthitatvaat Aatmavaan – He is Aatmavaan because he is firmly established in his own greatness’.

Nama 85 – VishnuSahasranama

End of Shloka 9

Ishvaro Vikrami Dhanvi Medhavi Vikramah Kramah   |
Anuttamo Duradharsah Kritajnah Kritir Atmavan     ||9||

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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